Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Ultrasound 4 July 14, 2008

Monday, July 14, 2008
Ultrasound 4
Well, today Jess had her fourth ultrasound, glucose test and doctor's visit. Haven't gotten the results on the glucose test, probably tomorrow before we will know anything on that.
As for the ultrsound, well, things really haven't changed much. The baby is bigger and the fluid levels haven't increased. They have decreased to 2.91, last time it measured 5.1 or so. To be honest, we didn't even ask what was normal, don't really care- bottom line, it is definitely nowhere near what it should be. She still has good movement. Heart is still strong. We saw her mouth open and close and could see her eyes move around. All of this is as the doctors said it would be, normal until birth.
--The kidneys, right kidney- you can't even really see it, it is one big cyst. In fact, they said that the right kidney looks like the bladder should look and they couldn't locate the bladder(either that was the bladder and it is in the wrong spot or most likely the bladder just isn't getting the fluid it needs) . They did say that the bladder can be somewhat ambiguous sometimes but..........The left kidney has, it looks like, three larger cysts-probably a compilation of cysts, but otherwise looks like it did last time.
So, we are faced with the fact that maybe our faith is just optimism misguided, any kind of healing just hasn't taken place yet or we will be putting into effect some of the funeral arrangements we have been making. Either way the person in Whom our faith is placed is still here and our family is for the most part, healthy and active- either way, we win. That is just regergitated stuff right now! Deep inside we know it is true right now. If anything, we want to be real and right now we are discouraged. But we are nothing less than blessed and know it. As soon as we got home Judah stripped of his underwear and shorts walked out the front door, scratched his butt and proceeded to fertilize the lawn, with urine, no deffication this time:) and yes- he has done that before too!
One thing that is evident, we are not the Christians of the Bible. However, if it is, in fact, the Lord's will to heal this baby, we can understand where Abraham might have had doubts when he was told that he and Sarah would one day have a child. Science says this but you are telling us this.....we aren't planning on going out and having affairs or anything:) but we do feel the crunch of what we feel we are being led to pray and what the evidence shows right now. We know all of the churchy-doctrine, right now we are just being as transparent as we can be. Otherwise, no one will know how to pray for us.
One way we know we are blessed is the mere fact that we have A LOT of people remembering us and praying for us! Thank you to everyone praying and everyone that is encouraging. Thank you to everyone who isn't affraid to ask how things are and those that don't feel like that have to understand to just be there.
I hope this hasn't been too depressing, I tried to add a little humor. For those who haven't called my cell phone, I don't have it, it is at a state park. Thanks to everyone that has reminded me, we will go get it tomorrow! :)
We will keep everyone updated! Sorry for any typos, too tired to fix them:)

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