Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Goings on in the life of a Middle-Aged Stud----ent! April 26, 2008

So, everyone knows that we packed up and moved away from our comfort zone. I have to admit, when I decided to go back to school, I really haven't looked back very much. I did this in part because I thought I might "chicken out". To be truthful, I really didn't think going back to school, with a family, was going to be as big a challenge as it has proven itself to be. Part of the underlying motivation for going back to school was to prove that if I can do it, anyone can.
Yesterday, before I went to school the car was completely covered in a bountiful coating of pollen, the actual offspring of the plants- as I have learned in Botany. I started washing it off and thought, "What the hell am I doing?" Not about washing my car but about going to school. I have been freaking out because last semester I made all B's with only two A's. The two A's were in Greek and Hiking. The classes that really mattered to me were the classes in which I made B's. Well, this semester, yeah. Let's just say, it'll be B's again. I guess it's not that bad considering how distracted I have been. Going to school, when you have kids to play with it hard but it'll be worth it for everyone in the end. We had a car die, that sucked. I have been sick continuously throughout the semester. The mother load of them all was finding out that my stuff was more potent than we thought! lol. Anyway, on my way to school......I thought, I am not by myself, I got to spend time with my cousin right before my car broke down, my kids are healthy, beautiful and great, I have no terminal illness, at least it was a blast making that little growing blastula(the baby) and our little niece has been taken off of chemo. I might not be making straight A's but I am going to an awesome school, not doing that badly and in the end I will achieve my goals. Another bonus, for some reason I love German Shepherds. This semester I finally got an awesome dog. I have had a blast working with her and learning more about dog training.
I have no idea why I am even posting this other than, I am taking a break from studying for an amazingly and ridiculously hard lab final. For any of you who actually read this, you must be really bored or know that I read your blogs! lol

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