Saturday, March 14, 2009

Road trip, bad/good drunk people, breeding doggies....

So, last Saturday I was brushing my dog and noticed that she had come in. No big deal, we were planning on breeding her this time around. We were planning on her coming in around the first of April though. I called our friend in South Carolina and the way our schedules are going I really needed to get her out there that weekend. Since we didn't know the exact date she had started we didn't really need to miss this cycle, so Judah and I packed up at about 6 pm and hit the road.

It was a rather uneventful trip for the first six hours. Judah was drinking my Dr. Pepper and eating tic tacs. He was re-telling stories through his three year old eyes and needless to say, I was entertained. About 10 pm, he finally went to sleep. We made it through Tupelo and then Birmingham. Maybe about an hour the other side of Birmingham, near a Town called Anniston, a white car drove up on our tail end. She was so close there was no pumping the brakes to get rid of her. She passed us and drove ahead. I didn't know what he deal was and flashed my brights at her. We kept driving for a minute or two and then she slows down and stops in the middle of I-20. Finally, it occurred to me that she was probably drinking. I should have just pulled off the road but at almost 3 am, losing and hour going east, and losing an hour with the time change, I pulled over to the right and passed her. I got about 1/2 a mile down the road and then she starts driving again. We drove for several minutes and then she comes up on us again. She got right on our bumper and then swurved to the left like she was going to pass and then lost control and pushed us off the road. We did a couple of 360's and she hit us a couple times in between. We finally hit the bottom of the ditch and our front tires were in the half-pike concrete ditch and she hit us a final time and we(Judah and I were facing the interstate again). He car was upside down with her driver's side bumper up next to my rear driver's side bumper.

When it all stopped, I looked back to see where her car was. I saw a couple of flames shoot up and said a real quick prayer. I looked over at Judah, who had been asleep and he was awake with a "what the hell" look on his little face. I unbuckled myself and then him. Pink reached up front sniffed Judah. When I got him unbuckled, I grabbed him and set him up on the hill away from everything. I went back to the car to get his blanket before her car blew and she started asking for help. You can imagine what came out of my mouth and let me say it wasn't very pretty. I told her when my son was cared for I would help her sorry ass out. I got Judah's blanket and got him wrapped up. I went back to look for my cell so that I could call the police. About this time she got out of her car and told me she thought she was hurt and bleeding. She asked me to look at her face and I did, it had a small bruise next to her left eye. Big baby. She said her shoulder was hurting and I told her it should be. She kept asking me, "what happened". I told her she had some serious road rage issues and her dumb ass ran us off the road. She then proceeds to ask if she can use my phone to call her mom. I told her after I FIND my phone I am calling the cops and then we will call her mommy. She asked me why I was being so nice to her, I assume she expected I should be her dumb self in the ground, I told her she wasn't my primary concern at the moment.

So, anyway, moving on in the story, this one guy stops to help us. He let me borrow his phone to call the police, who btw suck in Alabama. She kept wanting to call her mommy. The guy that helped us, we will call him drunk guy #2. His friend, drunk guy #1 called drunk guy #2 to tell him to stop and help us b/c he was less drunk that drunk guy #1. CRAZY! Anyway, drunk guy number #2 was very nice, he put Judah in his truck and turned the heat up and stood there by him. He asked the crazy lady, the woman that hit us, how much she had been drinking and if she needed anything out of her car. She said she had some hash in her car and needed her cell phone. **Oh yeah, earlier she had asked me to climb in her upside down car to get her cell for her........"yeah, right away sweetheart!"** So, the paramedics got there and strapped her sorry but to the stretcher. She was asking for pain meds but they said all they had with them was morphine and since they could smell the alcohol on her they couldn't give her any and she would have to suck it up. They looked at me and asked me if I was okay. I told them my back had started to hurt and they said "okay" and got in the ambulance and drove off. Not sure, maybe I should have told them I couldn't breathe....not real sure what you are supposed to tell them to ge them to care for you....obviously, "my back is hurting" doesn't work.

The police came blah, blah, blah. A couple of guys who were on leave from Iraq were there and just happened to be going to Myrtle Beach, the other side of where we were going. The piled us in their vehicle and took us with them. AWESOME guys!! It is amazing what stories you hear and how different things really are where they are serving and what is on the news! hah!

So, really weird things from that nite. The drunk ladies mom showed up and asked me if we were going to put her daughter in jail. I was very polite and asked her what she thought her daughter was entitled to running us off the road. This ladies son, the drunk driver's brother, said she had run a red mustang off the road. I told her I wanted her daughter in some kind of rehab and jail could come after that but that she obviously needed help and you-her mother- obviously didn't care enough to give her some tough love. I told her that if there had've been a scratch on my son, she wouldn't have needed the paramedics, she would have needed the coroner.

So, the guys that were helping us out that night were all smoking and cussing. Judah told them that smoking was bad for them. They asked him why and he told them that smoking causes cancer and they would have to go to the hospital and would likely die. lol. He also told them they were using bad words like daddy did earlier, lol.

That is all I feel like writing about right now. We are very thankful we weren't hurt worse than we are and that we had awesome people helping us and our friends in South Carolina, Shannon and David are AWESOME and took excellent care of us and found us a cheap flight for our ride home. Will write more later.

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